Mike's Birthday

Feeling: disappointed
To whom it shall concern, Happy Birthday Mike
Hey. Well today was Mike's birthday. Fun Fun Fun. Haha, yea. . . It was just like every other day. lol. At work we got paid more just cause it was his B-day. YAY! lol. Lets see I got him like 30 snickers bars, two 2liters of Ice tea, and a bunch of bubble gum. It was set up all nice and pretty and he didn't even get to mess it up, everyone else did. Monkeys, that is all my friends are. . . lol. Gotta love them though. Then he like ripped the handle off the bag, my beautiful bag and he ripped it. I got a thanks and a sweaty hug. That was pleasant. We all had lots of fun though. Ooooo... Kayla got a job today at blueberry haven. Haha, she's worse at it then me. YYYYEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Lmao. It's gonna be Me, Mike, and Kayla tommorrow. Tracy won't be there cause of warped tour and no Paul cause I guess he is gonna go on a vaca thinger with his family. Don't really care about him being there but, MY TRACCCCYYY! lol. I shall miss her *tear*. Kayla has like the worse gorunded sentence. Haha, it's her fault though. . . She isn't aloud to talk to Will, only write letters. No internet and no party. And she has o pay the $270 back by September 1st, which personally I really don't think that is gonna happen. But, yea those are her punishments. I think I am gonna go up to the pond and see if Napolean is there. Oh, yea. lol. Napolean is a cat that me and my mom found. lol. Sort of like Mr. Mistoffolies. Well bye. JOHNNA
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Haha, thanks! You have monkeys for friends too, huh? And what kinda awesome job do u have that u get paid more because it's someone's birthday???

One last thing: I definitely agree about friends being God's apology for family. I guess that's why my friends are cooler than most people's. lol.

haha, sorry. What was that? Blueberry Patch? I've never heard of it. What does a job there entail?

Have you ever noticed how friends can be more family than your family? Does that make sense? No. But that's not a problem for me as long as you don't mind.

(i'm weird)

(just in case you hadn't noticed)
are you serious?! you work in a freakin blueberry patch??? That's totally incredible. I have never heard of that. I didn't even know blueberry patches existed. I thought blueberries grew on banana trees in the tropics. You know, Hawaii.

lol. yeah. weird. we're on the same page though. my friends are way closer than my family. haha, i actually have meals with my friends, i haven't sat down at a dinner table with my family in years.
bananas and blueberries in pennsylvania... I never thought I'd live to see the day...

yeah. my family is just more reclusive. i don't think my parents or my older brother have ever had a friend in their lives and my sister is a picky snob about her friends. lol. I'm friends with just about anyone who can live with my obnoxious humor.

Oh, and I'm originally from st louis, but i just moved last year. i now live in indianapolis. it sux.
Hey hunnie,
It's your one and only! I love you so much Johnna Samantha Coryell and thank you so much for being a fantastic person and an amazing friend! I'm so sorry I haven't talked to you in a while! A lot has been going on and it's just been a hell of a time! I love you and will talk to you very soon! I'm leavin for camel beach rightnw so I'll call you when I get there! Love ya!

Jennifer Marie Oakes
thanks. i just... i don't know whether i want to kill him or hug him. i can't believe he did what he did. it's unbelievable. i'm never drinking again. god, i'm gonna miss him.
I'm sorry. That's a really hard thing to go through. I've actually attempted suicide before. It hurt more people than I ever thought possible. Plus, this same friend attempted suicide shortly after I did. So I remember the fear that I had somehow let him down. I'm so sorry. I can't imagine actually losing a friend that way.