Busy, Busy, Busy

Listening to: The Computer Running
Feeling: sorrowful
To whom it shall concer, Wow. Last couple days and upcomeing days are hectic. . .Well not hectic but, I am gonna be busy. Umm. . .lets start with wednesday. That day was bad. I went to Wyalusing to go shopping and crap and I left my AIM thing up which meant I was on the internet and keeping the phone busy... Well USUALLY my dad un hooks it and everything so the phone isn't busy. He didn't this time. Well I got home from Wyalusing put everything away and then I started to check my messages. Well one of my messages was from my friend amanda and it said that my brother was in a car accident and that he need us to call a number whenever we got the messages. So, like I am sitting here like in tears thinking the worst I could ever think. Thinking that my brother could be like dead and he couldn't get ahold of us cause my stupid self was online. . . Then I got the number and unhooked the internet and I ran over to my dad (I'll just put the convo in here) . . . . Me: You have to call this number like now... Dad:Why? Whos number is that? Me:It's Michael he said you need to call it he was in an accident and I donno. Amanda said he was ok though. . . Dad: *starts to freak out a bit*(lol. gotta love the emotions going on, I am spazing out and my dad is still being calm:P) Well then my mom called him and he was ok. Well what happened was that he was going to work (Still on the airforce base) and his light was green and this ladys was red and she came flying across the road and my brother slammed right into her. It pushed everything on the front of my brothers car up to the motor. All that happened was his knee hit the dash pretty hard and he's really sore. And Cambell(His friend that was in the car with him((And I don't think I spelled his name right:P)) ) was ok. . .so as long as they were ok. He was just lucky he didn't buy his new truck yet. That would have sucked big time. Well that was my wonderful Wednesday. . .Thursday didn't do too much. Went up to the pond and feed our goose and the fish in the pond. Those fish love bread. lol. Then went out in the garden for a while and picked some rasberries and carrots. I love that garden. lol. It so big and lush. We have never had a garden this good. And our pumpkin plant is H U G E. lol. I can't wait for pumpkins:) Tonight I uess I am going to kaylas dads with her. Can't wait. It's always fun there:D And I get to see her new puppy Mason:) YAY! lol. Well I still gotta go pack for that and eat breakfast cause I am going out to Sayre today for my dads doctor appotment and then going to see some of my dads friends. . . I'll write later or something. Have a good day:) Johnna Oh. . .And. Go To My Other Diary. It Is *SO* Cute:) Other Diary Name if ya forgot: dramafollows18
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