Still Hateful

Listening to: Computer Running
Feeling: torn
To whom it shall concern, Well I still hate people. I guess I just have to accept that. I can do that cause I don't need the person I hate. They cause more bad crap then good crap anyway. Why keep them in your life? They happen to screw EVERYTHING up and bitch at you...yea I'm gonna stop there cause if I keep going on I'll have 50,000 ppl IMing me and saying "Are you mad at me?" or the one person it's about is just gonna bitch at me again*rolls eyes* Anyways. . .I gotta go to school soon. I don't wanna. Nothing good comes from that place. Just a bunch of drama and gossip. When did schools move away from education to go to a breading ground for drama and gossip? I donno. People are horrible these days. Well I gotta go get ready before my mom comes out and yells at me to get off the computer and get ready. I'll write later. * J C *
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Hey. i think i know who your talking about. i'm really glad we worked things out. And i hope nothing like that ever happens again. well bye