
Listening to: Tv
Feeling: hateful
To whom it shall concern, First off, I am gonna put someones lame comments in here:D 1.your going to have to deal with her in volleyball so you better make peace now cuz she has no problem with kickin your fuckin ass k fat bitch? [anonymous] 2.your a fuckin bitch to marta and you think that your the only one that gets hurt,leaving messages crying to your friends is pitiful[anonymous] For the first comment that whoever left All I have to say is I never said anything to be mean to Marta and she can go right ahead and "Kick my ass" Word to the wise though. When she does I will press charges and she will face the consequences. So, you can go right ahead and make your little childish comments Cause It really doesn't phase me. For the second comment I never knew I was being a bitch to her. I have done NOTHING to her. And I never left little messages crying to my friends. What I have to say is what I have to say so grow up. And I know I'm not the only one that gets hurt. Excuse me for saying about stuff that may bother me. I help people with there freaking problems everyday all I was saying is that when I need someone it doesn't seem like they are there. Oh, and if your gonna say shit about me either say it to my face or leave a name. Otherwise you are nothing but a little pussy that can just say crap behind everyones back. Lets give you a round of appluse. Just, get over yourself. Anyways...off the subject of the little bitch. Didn't do much yet today. Probally cause it's like 10:30a.m. lol. I gotta go clean my room. Maybe go fishing later. I donno yet. I gotta go work at the Montrose Fire Hall place for the Chicken Barbeque Tommorrrow * F U N * Well I hope to see some of you there. *~JC~*
Read 2 comments
hi, hey what is with the picture of the older man, cute bute it's not you ecause it says you are only 15! Just alittle curious and i am not trying to be retarded so just leave me a comment i you want if not then ok! thanks.
sorry i didn't even pay attntion to your gender!..Thats too crazy thanks for the comment!