Field Day

Listening to: News
Feeling: beat
To whom it shall concern, This is gonna be my emtry for field day. Wow. Was it fun. Atleast I thought it was fun:P I was sappose to do the Human Phooseball, but we all mised our time. SO, we didn't get to do that. Then I was gonna do jousting w/Jen but we didn't cause again we missed our time and we didn't want to wait in a line just to beat eachother up. lol. I played volleyball for a while untill Tom came to get me and we got a bottle and started the water fight. That was crazy. I went and got Jen O. & Nicole S. while they were playing volleyball. Then I was walking back and Tom turned on me and just dumped all over me. It wasn't bad except he got it in my ear. Then everyone just soaked me. There was not a dry spot on me when I got on the bus. It was REALLY fun though. I loved it. Of course you have to have the people that put friggin chocolet syrup in your hair and all over your face. It was nasty but it tasted good. lol. Then the friggin paddle that Mike got from god knows who. lol. We got on the bus and these little kids were in the way so I couldn't move and he hit my WET ass with it. Which isn't bad enough that he hit me with a paddle but that my pants were soaked so it hurt 20x worse. I got him back though;) lol. The good times that we have. So, that was field day. It was awesome. I ca't wait till next year. Oh, I almost forgot. Jen did the fear factor thing. She did GREAT! She didn't even give up or throw up for that matter. The seniors xheat *SO* bad. First of all they had condiments to put on everything and they had drinks. Then Purdy sat at the other end makeing puking noises. It was funny though. Jen was like gaggng so bad so, Purdy scooted over to her and was like right in her face doing it but she didn't throw up. lol. Ok, now that was my field day. lol. I think I am really done now. Well gotta go to school. Bye. Johnna
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