Swimming With Friends

Feeling: evil
To whom it shall concern, I Shake My Little Tush On The Cat Walk Well lets see. . .today was really fun. First off I am on the phone with Kayla and she is singing the song I am listening to. lol. Well today I went to Montrose and I guess Mike came to my house while I was gone. Wow, was that embarassing when I got home. . . lol. My dad came down the hallway and was like "MIKE WAS HERE, MIKE WAS HERE, MIKE WAS HERE" In that pick on Johnna voice. I guess he came over to ask if I wanted to go swimming up at Corys pond. He had to talk to my dad. lmao. Mike said my dad looked like a teletubbie, I told my dad that. lmao. Oh, well. . . So, I got home and my parents picked on me and then I got my swim suit on and went over to the pond. And no one was there. . . So, I went to Tracys to see if she knew what was going. She had no clue so I went into her house and called Mike to see what was going on. Twenty mins. later we got it all figured out and by 3:30p.m. Tracy, Cory, Me, & Mike were at the pond swimming. It was really fun. Everyone was trying to stand on Tracys boggie board which was freaking hilarious. Cory left like around 4:30 and Ashley got there around 4:45. Haha, I gave Tracy a wedgie and hen she was trying to get me back. . .lmao. She finally did only cause Mike like drowned me : Z Then Mike was like "Can I have a hug?" and stupid me trusting that he wasn't gonna do anything. . . Well needless to say he gave me a wedgie :( lol. It was bad. . . .He like pulled me outta the water and my butt was like fully uncovered and I was so glad that Tracy was under water and Ashley had her head down or they would have saw my ass. I got him back though ;) Nice little wedgie for him and a bite on the neck:P We had lots of fun:) I get to go to kaylas tommorrow. YAY! I guess I am going at noon untill like around 7p.m. cause I gotta work Tuesday. . . I get paid on Tuesday too. YESS! lol. $$$ I money $$$ lol. Me and my daddy went and shot guns tonight. I like shooting guns untill some asshole told me that I'm a girl and I can't shoot a gun. . . I fixed that though :) I'll just like put the whole thing in here. It was getting dark so me and my dad were standing around talking to his friend pat when Pats son pulled up and the first thing he said was "Whoa she has a gun. That can't be safe since she's a girl. . ." And I said " Well how about I shoot that nice little coke can on your dash and then you can tell me I can't shoot" He shut up then :D I hate guys that think they are better then girls. Truth is I probally could shoot better then most of the guys out there:) Haha, I had a major blonde moment tonight so didn't kayla. lmao. But, we won't get into hers. Lmfao. Well lets just say I asked my dad how to spell Id. Lmao. It was bad. . . Well I think I am gonna go. I'm really tired. lol. J O H N N A
adopt your own virtual pet!
^I just had to adopt 8) I'm gonna party like a rock star hit a bunch of strip bars
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love always,
Your diary is pretty pimped out as well, haha.
your welcome