
Listening to: Holiday-GreenDay
Feeling: hot
To whom it shall concern, Damn. It is hot outside. I thought about going swimming, but then I was afraid to go in our pond cause there are LOTS of fish and snakes and snapping turtles. *shiver* Scares me just thinking about it. lol. I should of went up and hung out with Mike and went swimming when he asked me to, but I didn't want to be there without Tracy or Ashley. Or atleast someone that is the same sex as me:D lol. Tommorrow after school I might go to a party or camp out(No one has told me what it is yet:P) w/ Tracy, Mike, Steve,& Ashley. There will most likely be more people but I donno who yet ?:| I really hope my mom lets me go. I hope that it's a camp out too. That would be fun. ONE MORE DAY BIOTCHES!!! Then no more school, for a couple months anyways. I still gotta take the geometry finale and the Civics finale. The ones I will probally fail:( Anyways. . .about today. Didn't do much. Took finales. They were really easy. For our English finale we had this really hot substitute cause Mr.Hein wasn't there today. Lets just say that guy was hot! lol. Then we all went home at 10:45a.m. Thats crazy to go to school for less than three hours. Though I am not complaining. It's better then taking our finales and then sitting around all day doing nothing. Mike sat with me again. We did some little girls worksheet. Hehe. We couldn't figure out one of the questions so we had to get Ashley to help us and then after her and Amanda looked at it for like 10mins. they finally got it. Hehe. I felt so dumb. The little girl is in like Kindergarten and me and mike couldn't get it:P To simple for the complex mind:D Then I got home and did like nothing. Too hot outside. Oh, I cleaned my room. Sort of. lol. Well I think I am gonna go now. Bye. ~*Johnna*~
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