219 - The Man With No Name

The way I figure, there's really not too much future with a sawed-off runt like you.

Clint Eastwood, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"

10:30 PM

Well, in case you're WONDERING, the sawed-off RUNT in the above quoation is aimed at the DEVIL of all retail chains, Wal-Mart.

Why, YES. Life at 'ol Wally-Mart has gone straight to HELL lately. Managers on their high horses see fit to punish us for doing things like checking out SHCEDULES when our jobs are DONE, making us work in SWELTERING heat with no WATER, and telling us we can't take our BREAKS.

Hmmm...that smells like a heaping LOAD to me.

So I'm just gritting my teeth and BIDING my time as I franctically search for another job. The HELL with that place.

It's kind of FUNNY though, and it reminds me of something one of my buddies at work once said:

"Compare life in retail to BIRDS sitting on wires. The bigger birds are on the TOP wire, while the little birds are on the BOTTOM. The bottom birds keep getting SHAT ON by the bigger birds above, so when the big birds look down, all they see is SHIT.

But when the little birds look UP, all they see is ASSHOLES."


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