9:52 PM This weekend was the sickest weekend in like...I dunno. Three or four weeks? Anywho... Friday night was awesome. Nobody I knew was around, I think anyways, but at around 6:30 I got a call from Adam, and apparently he was bored too, and he invited me to come hang out with him, Devin and Steph. I had nothing better to do (and I wanted to see Steph), so I went out too. I had a shouting match with my dad earlier so my throat was all sore and my voice was all raspy again, but meh. So I met up with Adam and we wandered around for a while in the cold, cause neither Devin or Steph were answering their phones lol. But we started heading towards the skate park, and we were confronted by three emo/prep girls, one of whom was apparently sad and gave me a hug...t'was odd. So we kept going, and we met up with Devin, and Bryt wasn't home, so we went to the skate park for a while before me and Adam left. By now it was about 8:30-ish, and we went our seperate ways, both thinking we were gonna go home, until Nikki texted me and said they were coming back from the mall. So they got to Amanda's and I got into the truck, and we went to pick up Adam, who came to the door in his boxers lol cause he didn't think he was going back outside. So me and him got into the cab and were tossed about as Meaghan went driving around in random directions it seemed, and we ended up at some park, and then we went to Macdonald's lol...and then home. For me anyways, I dunno what happened after I left. But yesterday was the best night ever, or at least the best night in a few weeks. Adam's surprise birthday thing was at the beach, and Meaghan said to show up around 6:30, so I did and nobody else was there lmao...but yeah. I didn't have to wait long before everybody showed up, and we quickly set up before Meaghan had to leave to get Adam. But in the meantime it was me, Nikki, Amanda, Randy and Cavell, and either Gavin or Kevin showed up, and eventually Meaghan, Adam and either Gavin or Kevin. But we were all supposed to shout "Surprise!", but only me and Amanda shouted lol. But we got Randy to go get food, and we all sat around for a while, and we got Steph to come eventually. So we were all there doing random stuff, and we ended up racing to te rocks along the beach and acting like idiots on the playground too lol. I really hurt myself too lol. I was on some swing thing and I had Adam on my back, and I hit my shins off of the piece of metal you were supposed to land on, Adam fell, I fell forward and slid off of the metal and hit the ground lol. I hurt myself on one of the toddler swings too. I spun it around, hung onto it and just spun around really fast as the chain untangled itself, and as it ended, my grip loosened and I went hurtling to the ground. I bashed my head off the ground and got a friggin bad headache from it lol. But from there we went to the dock, and we raced to the lighthouse on the end lol. Adam also stepped on some kind of animal poo lol...and Steph got it on her hand when they tried to lift Adam up onto the lighthouse, and she wiped some on mine, so we made it clear we wanted to go back to Meaghan's truck and use hand sanitizer. We eventually got there, and people started leaving, and yeah. I poked Steph in the side and she fell, and she twisted my legs out from under me, so I poked her again while I was on the ground and she kicked me in the throat lol. Hurt like a mofo but meh. I ended up getting a ride home with Meaghan, and Steph gave me a kiss before she left, so it was nice. :) Well, I'm out for now. Later.
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