213 - Promises

Well, things with Jules are still amazingly great! We're definately still very happy!!

This Valentines Day, we went out and bought each other promise rings, so we can let everybody know how happy we are. I bought her a white gold ring, with a spiffy diamond set in it, and she LOVED it! Just seeing her smile after she wore it brightened my whole month.

When Jules bought mine, we wanted something that matched hers, so she bought a white gold solid band, which I could wear immediately after surchase because they had my size in the store. I couldn't be happier, and the fact we both have one now fills me with joy!


I'm soooo glad that we found each other, Jules and I. I couldn't imagine anyone being more perfect for me. I don't care about anyone that came before her, and I can't see myself with anybody else. It's me and Jules until the end!


But to add to the spirit of Valentines Day (I know this is late), I'm going to provide you with the list of reasons why I loved Jules! =)


  • She loves me more than anything! (I love her more than anything!)
  • She's soooo amazing in every way! (She's realy perfect!)
  • Her eyes (baby blue!)
  • Her smile (brightens my whole day)
  • She will go out of her way to make me happy (she always succeeds)
  • She puts up with my comic-speak and trips to the comic shop (I LOVE that!)
  • She laughs at my lame jokes (I think they're funny...)
  • She never puts me down (she always builds me up)
  • Her cuddles (sooooooo great!)
  • Her cuddles after we make love (even better!)
  • She always wants to be close to me (I love how cuddly she is)
  • Her hugs and kisses (perfect, and perfect)
  • She never gets tired of seeing me (I never get tired of seeing her!)
  • Our home together (even with 4 cats, its sooooo awesome!)
  • She watches my lame movies (like Godzilla and Hamlet and Mad Max)
  • She always misses me when I'm gone, even if its only for a little while (I always miss her!)
  • She'd never cheat (I'd never cheat either!)
  • She gave up drinking and partying for me! (this is HUGE)
  • The way she says she loves me (I just looooove it!)
  • The way she says "incredible" after we make love (always makes me feel GGGGREAT!!)
  • The way she playfully makes fun of me (I love it anyways)
  • She wants to marry me someday (Awwwww)
  • The way she grabs my hand whenever we're walking (even if its cold)
  • She visits me at work all the time (I love seeing her!!)
  • She encourages me (I always feel empowered!)
  • She's always supportive of me (she never tears me down)
  • She always thinks about me (Awwwwwww)
  • She always says I'm good-looking, even if I'm not (lawl)
  • The way she says I have a huge package (I love this one!)
  • The way we can both make fun of people (hilarious, especially at the mall)
  • We have the same likes and dislikes (sooo good!)
  • She doesn't care how I look or dress (she loves my tight band t-shirts!)
  • She'd never try to change me (IMPORTANT!)
  • She puts up with my music (Megadeth, Metallica and Johnny Cash!)
  • The smile she gives me when we wake up (my favourite thing)
  • How she doesn't make me pay for everything (cause we're both cheap)
  • The way she cuddles into me when we watch movies (I love her cuddles!)
  • She always reassures me if I'm nervous or scared (very important!)
  • She'll never run off some some jackasshole (this is also IMPORTANT)
  • We want to be together forever (hells yeah!)
  • She cuddles me until we both fall asleep (I sleep much better because of it)
  • She holds me close when I'm sad (she's very good at it)
  • She helps me relax after a rough day at work (oh man how I love that!)
  • She always helps out so that I don't do all the work, all the time (cause we're both lazy)
  • She makes me dinner after I've had a rough day (her food is sooo good!)
  • She watches Star Trek with me (true love!)
  • She's very protective of me (I looove that)
  • We have the same taste in food (soooo great!)
  • She finds me hilarious, even if I'm making fun of her (lawl)

Soooo, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that Julie is the most amazing person I know. I love her sooooo much, and she means the world to me! I care about her more than anything, and I'd never do her wrong. She literally is my whole world, and I'd be truly lost without her.

She is my better half, because I'm nothing special. But she brings out the best in me, and my parents and my little amount of friends have noticed a huge change in me. Before Jules I was always so damn angry about everything, and I had a huge chip on my shoulder. But now, I'm so at peace. She makes me at peace! That's amazing!

I keep looking down at the promise ring she bought me, and I can't help but smile. She always makes me feel soooo great, and I love her for it.

She's my one and only, and I'll love her until the day I die.

I love you, Julie Starzynski, and I always will!

I promise =)


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