2:58 PM Well, today hasn't been very exciting yet so far, but I doubt it will be. Yesterday was though. Allow me to elaborate: Had plans for band practice, and ended up at Adam's place around 2:45 to jam. Sabrina wasn't there yet, but we jammed for a while and got some band pics taken too lol. Got Little Ceasar's for dinner, and brought it back to his place. Called Sabrina after dinner, and she came to hang out with us, but I had to drop off my guitar stuff at home. Wandered to Mac's, then to IGA, then to Mac's again, where we waited for Nikki and Sheldon to show up. They did, and we all ended up back at Adam's place again, killing each other on Super Smash Bros. T'was fun. And I got to spend some time with Sabrina. I was really hyper too, when we all met up, and I dunno. I was just acting like an idiot lol. Some guy yelled at me from his car when I was walking Sabrina home, and I screeched back at him. He shut up. =) But yeah. I'm bored. I don't really have anything to do today. Hopefully I'll find something to do later. But yeah. I'm out. 10:17 PM Well, didn't get anything accomplished today. Still waiting for those guys from the Landscaping place I applied to to call. But meh. I hope I get out of the house tomorrow. Or I think I'll lose it. Seriously. I'm not even joking. Maybe a little. But meh. Anyways. I've had a weird happy-go-lucky feeling the past three or so days. Its nice. But meh. Boredom is creeping in. I have to find a football. That is all. Goodnight.
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