Listening to: Hurt - Johnny Cash
Feeling: pissy
10:05 PM I hate hyprocrites. If there's one group of people on the face of the planet that I want to just all die, it'd definately be that group of bastards. Lets look at one person I know right now. I used to love her unconditonally. I put myself through a lot of stuff with this girl, and she paid me back my breaking my heart and spitting in my face. When we started talking again, she told me she'd love to try again, and that she just didn't want another boyfriend while she was in school, because then she'd have to balance schoolwork, her job, and a boyfriend at the same time. Now what has she done? Gone out on one date with some jackass who tells her all she wants to hear, and now she "lovees" him. Christ on a bike, is the whole world going to hell? On a more depressing note, I'm really glad it was raining today. Why? Let me tell you...you're obviously bored enough to read this thing, so why not enlighten you. Finally worked up the nerve to tell the girl I really like that I liked her, and guess what happened? Shot down again, like all the times before. Went for a walk in the rain so nobody would see my weakness. So nobody would see the tears. But whatever. I won't give up, because to throw my hands in the air and give up on finding happiness would be just as stupid as the hypocrites I despise. And I don't want to be that stupid. Bceuase they all suck.
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