About time. MOVIE REVIEW!

So, I FINALLY saw The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Anneliese Michel was her real name. I don't see why they couldn't have just used that. For the most part, it wasn't too scary, but at certain parts, I was shaking and practically crying and really, REALLY tense. Just ask Frank's hand. Haha. I think I bit it a few times. The parts that got to me weren't really the same parts that got to other people though. For instance, the part where she goes into a field and leaves her body, and talks to Mary, and Mary tells her that she has a choice. "Heaven is not blind to your pain", Mary says. She can either choose to go to heaven and leave her bodily form and her persistent demons behind, or she can be a trooper and choose to remain in her body to tell people her story, to raise awareness and to make people believe that demons are real, even if it meant facing severe pain until she died. She chose to stay. I really don't think I would have. Who would? Just hearing that made me realize that people don't take things like possession seriously, and even if they're devout Christians, they may just brush it off. But it's really out there, and it could happen to anyone. She's really admirable. So, the jury didn't believe that demons existed, for the most part, and I think that's what would really happen in today's courts. No one even considers things that have happened in the bible to happen today. That part of the movie, as Father Moore put it, "scared the hell out of me". Haha. Get it? Yeah. Anyway, the rest was kind of funny, until I realized I was mocking some powerful forces. But that's okay. I don't much like them anyway. However, I learned the very valuable skill of being able to use both sets of vocal cords at once, like the ancient monks. Can you do that? Oh, and in case you're wondering, beacuse I know you are, here is the list of demons that were inside Anneliese Michel... I mean, I found it really interesting. I don't care what you think. : Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, a disgraced Frankish priest from the 16th Century, a host of other damned souls, and even Lucifer himself. Lucifer himself. Doesn't he have better things to do? I guess not. Loser.
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remember the guy getting hit by the car? that scared me the most i think =P

why would any "demon" or damned soul possess anyone?

satan or no satan.

I just don't get the possession thing.