AHS Drama Club: Forget everything you think you know.

I joined soccer. Did as much as I could yesterday. It was a lot of fun. I like it. Then I went to the doctor, and he said I can't play until next week. So I went to Vets with Richard, Frank, and Dan, and they taught me some things. Then we had our own drama meeting of sorts on the grass. It was productive. We need to recruit more people of more social groups for the drama club. We have to prove to people that we're not gay. Haha. I went to soccer to tell the coach I can't play until Monday, and he said I should come back at 10 or so and watch them play. But I didn't, because I couldn't. I want to take my permit test today. Unfortunately, both my parents work until 4. That's going to be a problem. I'll have to wait until a Saturday or something. I'm kind of impatient. Oh well. I wanted to go on a bike ride today, but my bike's at Frank's house, and his mom said I'm too crippled to ride it. So that'll be there until Monday, I'm sure. Band camp starts Thursday. I'm kind of curious about the new bunch. I wonder how many I can get to join drama. Haha. If you haven't joined drama yet, do it. You don't have to act. There are plenty of other things you can do too. Props, set crew, lights, or set construction, which is the bare minimum. Come on, you know you need a life, and this one will look excellent on your college application.
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To trust yourself to the night and a stranger that loves you not with the rich worth of your ViRgInItY.
(Nelson Cackles)
Drama just isnt my thing
i love soocer :)
I was in drama (balling my eyes out sad im not cool no more and its depressing)
haha yeah i Love that song and in the video he looks like he would always be stoned haha
it's not just acting though. You can do all different kinds of stuff. And we never have lines like that btw.
