Me Xi Co?

Feeling: expectant
Sooo tomorrow is the big drama meeting. Yeah. It'll be big. I got the part of Jen's understudy. It's pretty cool. It seems like a really neat part to understudy for. Today at lunch, Dave started hitting Alex on the head with my water bottle, and mean lady approached him and said "HEY! USE YOUR HEAD!" So naturally, Dave responded with "Why would I want to hit him with my head?" Mean lady was appalled. Good. She's mean. We went to the girls varsity soccer game tonight. That was really cool. And wet. They won 1-0. Then we got ice cream at Stewart's. I want to save for a nice 4GB iPod mini. Next time I try to spend money, and you're there to help, stop me please. So, I have to mention Mexico. Of course. When do I not? Mexico is going to be awesome. Well, Mexi will be awesome, and if Co works out, MEXICO will be awesome. Haha. BUT DON'T EXPECT ANYTHING GREAT TO HAPPEN. BECAUSE YOU'LL BE DISAPPOINTED. Just kidding. The entire trip will be great. Hopefully, if someone can get their score up. Negative three. Comeeee onnn. Mexico!
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Save money for Mexi. Forget the iPod, wait for that. Get it later. Okay? Yeah. Co.
thats what lunch was all last year, except with a lot more fortekkk and rubber gloves and chocolate pudding... lunch here's not so exciting... -clara