Oh. Man.

Listening to: ABBA- Dancing Queen
The trip was like, like, like, WAYYYY cooler than I thought it was gonna be. Even though we spent most of the trip on the bus. On the way there, me, Alice, Dom, and eventually Frank (when we convinced my section to trade seats with him) were coloring pictures I printed out of our friends. Dom turned Jesus into a blood sucking zombie. He's going to hell. And Alice kept trying to draw inappropriate things on some of the pictures. Basically, I ended up yelling "STOP TRYING TO DRAW SEMEN ON MY BOYFRIEND'S FACE!", getting the attention of the whole bus, and that was that. At the rest stop, everybody bought funny girl pop magazines to make fun of, and I bought Newsweek. I'm sorry. I like Newsweek. Everybody kept telling me I was no fun, but I was enjoying myself. Anyway, Alice bought Cosmo Girl, and Frank and Dom were completely fascinated with it. I turned around and read it with them after Alice had finished, and we went straight to "10 Questions You Can't Ask Anyone". Image hosted by Photobucket.com THAT was amusing. Alice kept saying "You guyss, you can't read that! You're supposed to skip that section! I skipped that section!" and we were like "No, we're getting your money's worth." There was one question we particularly enjoyed: "I think I had an orgasm, but I'm not sure. How do I know?" The answer, of course, was "It's like sneezing." And it ended with "Congratulations." So for the rest of the day, every time someone sneezed, we asked them how it was and congratulated them. Actually, that went on for the rest of the trip. Elise bought the same magazine, so she knew exactly what we were talking about. I just realized that if I actually recount every funny thing that happened on the trip, this entry will be pages long. So I'll stop here. The trip was fun. Here are pictures. Enjoy. Update: At roughly 6:32 P.M., I, Ashley Carey, purchased one (1) pair of Adidas Sambas Classic indoor soccer shoes for $48.99 at Sievert's Sports. WHAT.
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love ur hair!!!lol... fun trip...