Letter number two, to an ass hole I've since met.

Ahhhhh Ben. Ben, Ben, Ben. What a tangled web we weave my friend.

You've now had the pleasure of meeting my acquaintance. This was two, maybe three weeks ago, tops. Since then you've managed to stomp, spit on, and maim my best friends heart. AGAIN. Once again, you lead her into trusting you. SHE TRUSTED YOU. You understand what that means Ben? Trust? Hm?

You then asked her out. Smooth move my friend. You had us all stumped with that one. No one knew what your true motives were, but we didn't trust it.

Few days later you called it off, oh yes ass hole. You. Called. It. Off. Said you missed her. Your ugly fat fucking troll. The one who 'dumped you' the one who 'had another man'. Great fucking job Fuck Wad. Theres strike Two. You reached in grabbed her heart and then tossed it like garbage. Then, as if that wasn't enough, you kept calling her. You gave her cell number your troll. Troll started harassing her via text message. Telling her everything you fuckwads were doing. And then you denied it. You fucking DENIED it. GUESS WHAT FUCK WAD SHE DIDN'T FORWARD YOU THE LAST MESSAGE. Caught red handed ass hole. Fucking red handed. YOU ALLOWED THE TROLL TO HARASS SOME ONE. GUESS WHAT. THATS ILLEGAL. You're goddamned lucky she didn't call the cops. I would have. Harassment is a serious offense. ESPECIALLY when the victim is innocent. Theres strike Three, you're out Fuck Wad.

Heres my question to you Fuck Wad, you don't mind if I call you Fuck Wad do you? Here's my question; What the fuck did she do to you? Hm? What, horrible god forasken thing did she do to you for you to torture her this way? What you just bully people for fun? Well guess what Fuck wad, I hate bullies, and I hate baseball caps even more.

Watch your back Ben the Fuck Wad Harrison. Because if I ever see your ugly goddamned mug again, I'm going to introduce it to the pavement.

I hope you have a nice life with Fat Ugly Troll Face. I hope she's a man beater.

Love always, your new worst nightmere,


P.S. I'm not a singer ass hole, I'm a fucking actor.

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