I'm on call to be there, lord you know I'll be there waiting.

Feeling: aloof

I saw an Apple store today.

It blew my mind.

I tweeted from a Mac Book.

It was magical.

This is the picture I took.

This is Kerri in the Apple store.

We had originally gone to Polo Park to go to McNally Robinson before it closes on Sunday, but we got distracted by the awesome that is Apple products.We tried using Mac books, and we couldn't figure out why the mouse pad wasn't clicking. We kept wondering my Safari wasn't opening. It was because you actually press and click down on the pad like a mouse. We were amazed, but I'm pretty sure all the Apple people saw was "LULZ, WE HAS PCZ. LOL, WE ARE PC UZERS. A-DUHHH."

It was good times.

We ran into Greg and Jessi at McNally. It wasn't out of the ordinary, Greg just almost made me have a heart palpitation.

Of course since I was there I had Sushi for dinner.

Couldn't leave with out it. Obviously.

All in all it was a good day. :)

OH and if you didn't get the memo, I've moved my 365 project over to wrodpress. Its less annoying for you, and much easier for me. And I get to try something new.

Go here: www.staticpallour.wordpress.com


Here is a random picture of my dog.

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