Pick up the Phone

Feeling: saturnine


That’s kind of like the noise I just made. Kind of. Some times, you know, I just wish I could record audio.

Saturnine...I have no clue what that even means. It sounds fucking hilarious though. Try and say that out loud...its retarded.

Today, I spent the better part of my afternoon prowling around Kildonan Place mall with one of my most favourite people on this planet. Mrs. Kerri Mackay. We both did most of our Christmas shopping and it was quite nice. I got my mom the big purse she wanted, my sister the Marianas Trench record, and the new Hedley record she had been wanting, and my father I got a new housecoat because his is very old and ratty, and some socks because that’s what he asked for. Kerri’s mother wanted a Slap Chop, so we searched high and low for this magical instrument (all the while I had the Youtube remix version of the commercial stuck in my head. HEY THIS IS VINCE WITH SLAP CHOP!) but our search proved fruitless, and Kerri settled for the ‘Starfrit’ verson.

I dropped sixty big ones on Make-up and indulged myself in the new Dragonette record. My Christmas gift to myself?

In true Transcona fashion we ran into a whole bunch of people we knew. Sam Santos, Sam Peterson, Amanda, and Katiemott to name a few. It was really nice to see them all, and see some familiar faces. Living here in Windsor Park, I never see anyone I know. And I wore my rainbow vest, so lovingly dubbed my ‘Gay Pride.’ Vest today, and on the way to the bus I got stared at by everyone I walked past. And when I got on the bus I got the same thing. I really couldn’t wait to be back in my hood so that the staring would stop. I don’t know why, but the people of Transcona just don’t care. Probably because we all wear garishly awesome clothing. Everyone in T-Cona would have a vest like that if they could.


After all that I worked six hours.


A woman had come in with two pairs of the Olympic Red Mittens, I have been looking so desperately for, in large sizes. I asked her where she had found them, because they have been sold out everywhere for quite some time. She said Zellers had just got a shipment, so on my break I ran out the door to Zellers to get my dry and chapped little hands on a pair to find that they were SOLD OUT.


I was distraught. All I want is a pair of those goddamn red mittens. What does a bitch have to do to get her hands on a pair of those motherfucking mittens?

My manager was really on edge tonight too. She was on us for every little thing. It was kind of annoying, but I understand why. It's Christmas aka Retail hell. I wish she would loosen up a little and just have a little fun though. Ah well, what can you do? I’m sure everyone will breathe a long sigh of relief after Christmas has come and gone.

Oh yeah, and just to freak you all out, CHRISTMAS IS IN SEVEN DAYS.

I know that scared me today. I was terrified at that thought.

Good luck with the rest of your shopping friends.

--Lookin mighty fine in bright pink lipstick.

Read 3 comments
There is a TV store in KP? Awwwwwwwwww snap! Did not even know that!
EVERYONE seems to have a pair of those stupid red mitts except for me...and you apparently!

My mum wants them so bad! Can't seem to find them anywhere. >:(
Slapchop can be found in the TV store in the KP mall, guurl!!!