Cause its like that, and thats the way it is.

Feeling: spiffy

So. It’s uh, its been a while yeah? My apologies my friends. All though to be fair I did warn you that I suck at updating.

So, what is new…well this bitch is working. Awww yeah son. I sell people their drugs. That is I am a cashier at a drug store.

I should have a whole lot more to blog about now that I am working again. Most of my greatest work came from the stories I had about Husky. There were so many good ones. Unfortunately I haven’t had much time to come across any real stupidity other than what goes on in my head. For example a woman came in and asked me where she could find Tea Bags, and the entire time I was walking her to them, all I could think in my head was “Tea Bag. Lawl”. That happens a lot. I’d love to blame the boys from ABC, but my mind has always worked in such ways.

Today we did the ‘midterm’ for theatre, which was actually just our scene presentation. ChristineWilson was my partner, and we KILLED it. We were supposed to go in early to practice, but she was a no-show. I was ready to shank that bitch for real, then to top that off, she forgot her fake nuts and piglet doll. I was livid. I think my eyes were red. I tired to hide it, but when I’m mad I get very VERY quiet, and that’s a little obvious. We made a makeshift doll out of a scarf, and crushed up her cookies to make ‘nuts’. Then we hit the stage and the rest is history. Despite the set backs we did really well and I’m proud of our work. I think that being angry made me focused and I did better as a result. I got a new scene partner today as well for next term, and my classes are done for the term. I have one exam on Wednesday, which is an English exam, so I’m not too worried about it. All I really have to do is read over all the readings and hope I remember all the bullshit the prof told us about each. Not to hard. English 1a The Writing of Disability. How hard can that be?

I got payed today and I’m quite happy about this. I’m going to try and do all my shopping tomorrow before work, and hit up the millennium library, I heard they’re having a big sale where you put all the books you can muster into a bag and you only pay five bucks. What a fricken steal! I love books more than I love people, but slightly less than I love animals…

The woman in this movie looks just like my manager.

I’m finished talking, you may finish whatever it was you were previously doing. Good day.

--Sooooooooooooooo tired, but soooooooooooooo happy.

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