Country stations are not that bad, besides the terrible music.

Feeling: pleased
I started my internship at HANK - FM this morning. I LOVE IT. Everyone is so nice! I really get along with all of them very well, and they have some really exciting things for me to do! I'm very excited to start working and doing some real stuff that actually matters! I am going to have so many contacts when I leave there, it will be redonkulous. Other than that nothing is really new. Obviously I finished ABC, because I am on my practicum. My mama bought me a really nice day planner as a grad gift from her and Dino. It's so nice! It even has a spot for all my business cards, and a place to write down all my contacts. I am so lucky to have gotten the opportunity to go to HANK. I was kind of bummed at first, but I am so thankful now. I got one of the best in my opinion. That slacker-know-it-all-assholey-jerk who never shows up DROWARD got a fucking practicum after Bev ASSURED us that because of his attendance and lack of caring, he would NOT get one. There are people who didn't get a thing who deserved it more than that insufferable asshole. Kind of pissed about that. Swanson deserved a practicum more than he did. FUCK. I bought a plant. I named him Count Lazlo de Almásy or just Almásy for short. I was going to call him Voldemort, but Almásy had a nice ring to it. Ralph Finnes also played both of those characters. Touché. I also played to beat the shit out of an old car with a sledge hammer at the Anola fair this weekend. It was friggen awesome. I put a hole in the hood, and dented the shit out of the roof. What a release of angry energy. I spent the weekend with my girls, who I missed so much! I also got to meet up with a bunch of my other friends at the lame-as-fuck Hi Neighbour festival this weekend. I felt like me for the first time in well over a year. It was fucking brilliant. Look at me, even swearing like I used to. :) But seriously, Hi Neighbour effing sucked this year. Lot's of typical T-Cona sluts, and shady wigger kids. I honestly think that people have made fun of Transcona for so long, that it just started to conform to the stereo-type. Annoying. Needless to say I will not be going next year. I am too old for that shit. And when did showing up drunk become a tradition? I hate that tradition in any case. I told you I was too old for it. I have also come to the executive decision that bugs are quite unnecessary. Birds could feed on berries, dark leafy greens, and small rodents. The world does not need honey, that is what sugar cane was made for. Other than that, bugs pretty well feed on each other and serve no other purpose. The world would be a better place with out them, I feel. Even if I can't have all of them extinct, couldn't we please just eradicate the spider and the beetle? They are so unnecessary, and quite terrifying. That, is my rant of the day. I told you I was me again. I even blog like I used to. -- Feeling quite fine and dandy. Photobucket take it anyway you will. I just like the picture, and it makes me think of Nine Inch Nails.
Read 2 comments
Thanks Alex! <3
That beetle SOUNDS really fucking frightning!
I found a huge beetle under my bed today. It was really quite fucking frightening. I killed it, so you're one less in the world Kimmy!

And your shindig with HANK - FM or whatever, sounds so fantastic. I'm jealous you're so... out in the world!!

Take care!