Heads Will Roll

Feeling: zonked
Uh, you’re gross, leave. Just kidding, you know I love ya. What’s new, what’s new…hm…lets see…well I applied for a new loan for school. Headache central. Once it was all said and done, the website told me to allow five weeks for processing. Five weeks? Five weeks from July 31st is September 4th. Five days before school starts. YIKES. I’m kinda scared to say the least. God I freakin love Demi Lovato. (Random, yes, but I adore that girl.) No she hasn’t replaced K. Jonas, I don’t swing such ways. I just admire the girl. K. Jonas is fading out of my mind though. Who will be his replacement is anyone’s guess. I am kind of obsessed with Watchmen though. RORSCHACH FTW. Yeah I use texting short hand in my blog. GOT BEEF? Flea Markets are my new favourite thing. All the treasures of the world are hidden in such places. I found a framed picture of Peewee Herman, an African head-hunter ashtray, a box with a dog on the front, A DVD collection of Charlie Chaplain, and a statue of an owl with crystals for eyes. I will furnish my home with things form Flea Markets. I’ve decided this just now. My life will be utterly complete. Thinking of a new tattoo. Very small, very simple little heart on the top of my hand between my index finger and thumb. Yep that’s all. It will cost me maybe 10 dollars. Cheap and effective. Watching TV on mute is not generally a good idea. You really can’t follow what’s going on. Just watch random pictures flash across the screen. I miss took “My super sweet 16.” for “16 and Pregnant.” Mind you…if that such a stretch? Speaking of, both programs make me kind of sick. How sick is it that 16 year olds these days are not only spoiled and whiney little bitches, but they’re also going and getting themselves knocked up. This world sickens me. Completely. And people wonder why I admire young Disney stars who are choosing to stay abstinent. I think it’s a great influence on the children of today, and I love and admire them for it. Humanity = the shits. Oh and, DEAR MEDIA: Michael Jackson is dead. Leave the man to rest in peace. Please shut up and forget about it. STFU. -- T.V. makes no sense with out sound. Photobucket Best advice of my entire life.
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