
Do you live in Richmond? or where you going to see another stop of the same tour?
I totally dress preppy normally and then put ion my 'punk rock' clothes for shows!

Ahem, no.

yeah, it sucks when people do that. it sucks a lot.
whoaa..that's one gansgta quote right thurrr. :)

and hope you have mucho fun at that show on wed!

I don't really dress preppy, i wear pegged jeans and boots and stuff all the time. plus I have a hawk, so that's hard to hide or whatever.

and i fucking hate NOFX. Sorry.
i love ATDI as well, but seeing as you have more punk tendancies i can see why you'd prefer them. and as far as my entries go, well, i don't write them to be understood, just appreciated.... now i really sound like omar, or maynard, or chino..who the hell understand them either?
NOFX is pop punk, I'm not a fan of pop punk.

fo sho my nigga'

Yeah, I am extremely elitest scum about punk rock. Too many try and talk about it like they know what they're talking about when they actually don't.

And yes, compared to other bands NOFX is extremely pop punk. I know a lot of "real punks" and they all agree that NOFX is a pop punk band. Sorry, just my opinion.
Goodness gracious I ADORE your header picture and your little bottom thing that book is PERFECTAMUNDO I love it it is right here next to my elbow as I type this! but wow i really do like that book alot i read it and yeah...


omg i love it.
perks mmmhmm i think ill read it again
that's a good book....i want that book