
Feeling: bored
My friend had a sex dream about me...muah ha ha. I've never had a sex dream. I rarely even make out in any of my dreams. Meh, oh well, it doesn't bug me. You know what i decided...I had a good childhood. I have so many good memories from it. When i was growing up I had a babysitter (like most kids). I was over at her house very often, but she also had kids that my brother and i could play with. And the neighborhood was full of kids so, we were never bored. We always played cops and robbers or we would go "camping", just typical kid stuff. There was the perfect environment to play in also. Ohhhh...those were the days. I'm really glad i had a good childhood too. I've always wondered what it would be like to be one of those kids who grew up with abusive parents or got raped when they were younger. they would have to live with it their whole life. That would be so hard. I have a good life. I don't have any family problems, I have good friends, I'm not ugly (not gorgeous or anything, but not ugly), noe one in my family has any huge dramatic medical problems... I just dont' see how people can complain about their life, when there's people who have it so much worse and who are abused, raped, in debt, homeless, have cancer...the list goes on and on. My life isn't perfect and there are things i would like to change out it, but who doesn't? I have nothing to complain about... this entry doesn't make much sense...it makes me sound lame. oh well
Read 9 comments
its awesome that you think I write cool.
cause I dont think I do and I wish I did.
and yes that is conor from bright eyes, hes sexy isnt he :)
thank you so much but i dont know what to do next after i upload the picture????
yeah my weekend was alright

music..well music just rocks if you dont like music then wow u must have a boring life. hey can i add u to my freinds list
Yeah, I think that too. Like all these people are always all "i hate my life!" and they say they're depressed and all this crap....but there really are people that have it a lot worse than them usually
ill be 15 august..how old are u
aug 3 by the way
hmm...that is a good point. I never reallythought about it

but now that i do....i feel the exact same way.

you are smart


im kinda confused?
Wow that sounded like nicole for a sec
read her diary
My childhood hasn't been as good as yours, but it was still good.....some things happened that I didn't get then....but I've grown out of them.....life must go on....I love you amy!