perks of being a wall flower

Listening to: offspring
Feeling: hungry
Ok, let me start out with...I hate reading. I fall asleep after 10 minutes. Reading and I just don't go together. And I've never realy had a favorite book, but i found one. and i love it. So, i'm telling whoever reads this about it. It's called the perks of being a wall flower (i forget the author, maybe i should figure it out). This teen is writing you letters, so, it's kind of a journal and it gives his thoughts on things and what is happenning in his life. I love it. It's amazing!!! I've read it twice!!! that never happens...especailly with me. So, if anyone is looking for a good book, read this one (if you don't mind mild swearing). It is a beautiful book. I'll find out who the author is soon.
Read 9 comments
Not at all, i think I already have you lmao
thanks for the information next time i listen to the cd ill try and hear the story or whatever you want to call it...ttyl
it's called Please Don't Kill the Freshman. notice my diary title, lol. it is an awesome book, in my opinion. i dunno if you'll like it or not. I love it though.

aaah {xdestinyxisxminex}
WHAT U MEAN WHEN U SAID "but now, i'm just starting to go off about nothing. so, i'm gotta go. comment me back!"
hey...i read that too a while back and i thought it was really good. theres one that sort of deals with the same stuff, published by the same company called "Brave New Girl"...the girl in the book is 14 though, i think.
hey, I've too read The Perks of being a Wallflower.The book really made me think about how I act and things that I do from now on. s.j