People are wierd

Listening to: voodoo glow skulls
Feeling: alright
Cody brought something up today and i found it really interesting. We were talking people thinkin i'm wierd and he said, "You're not any more wierd than anyone're just not afraid to show it." I thought it was pretty cool and i realized it's kinda true. Becuase once you get to know someone, they have something wierd about them that they just hide from everyone. When the majority of the time, i will just run around making a fool of myself, not caring what people will think of me. I like cody. He's a very interesting character. He's pretty cool. I love how life can have so many things you have to figure out about it. It's like a mystery... I'm sick of love.
Read 7 comments
that's cool....i never thought of weirdness that way....I love you amy!
do i want a pony........... if you buy it for me. i'll name him buddy and he can live in the alley and the poeple from the resteraunt right there can feed him hamburgers and stuff.
uhh....everything about me is weird, sooo yeah, i suck
love is sickening if you don't have it.

mmm, icecream and sex sound great together.
It would be cold. I want to try...
That's actually really true. What your friend said. He sounds nefty. I like nefty people ^.^.
Later days,


(p.s Thanks for the comment)
Adam is 13 years old, I feel so bad for him :(

It's just good to know that he considers me a friend and that I can help him get through it

By the way, this Cody guy sounds like a good guy...

Don't be sick of love though, you've gotta go through a lot of bad ones before you find the right just keep your head up and keep smilin' and everything will be alright.

Our school year starts...August 10th? Somewhere around there.
