read my dream! yay!

Listening to: the exploided
Oh lordy...i had the wierdest dream last night. it was way funny. I'll try to explain it, but it's easier in person. I'll do it anyways... It started off with holly, this other girl, and i going out to this truck where these boys were asking us to a dance. there was a paper that said, "amy, sit by the geek." (the guys were in the truck.) that's how they asked me. I didn't know who to sit by, so, i just sad inbetween owen and scott. Scott ended up being the geek, but later turned into wes. After a while of nothingness a group of us ended up at my house in my back yard. It was night and the stars were out. I was watching them becuase there are tons and tons of shooting stars. It was gorgeous. And they kept going in groups the exploding somewhat like a firework, but tons better. It was awesome. All of the sudden, they were outlines or people standing in a row. It started to float down by us and get bigger. I suddenly yelled, "POWER RANGERS!!!" I was excited, but then my friend was like, "no, it's just text mesaging." the outlined people split up and came to each person. It had formed into dolls that just appeared by us (from the stars). They started talking and told us to pull the twig to get our message. So, being excitied curious, we all pulled the twig that was coming out of their butt. Each one said something different, but they were all about wanting to cuddle with monkeys. Mine said, "Can i cuddle with one?" A monkey then appeared by us and Holly gave her doll to the monkey so they could cuddle. But the monkey was crazy!!!! It started screaming in monkey talk and running around all wild like with the doll in it's arms. Everyone ran inside but for some reason, i put my arm right by the monkey and it clung on to me. It's like when little kids cling on peoples legs and and hold on while they walk around, except for it was a screaming monkey on my arm. I started waving my arm all over the place, but i didn't want to be outside alone, so, i ran inside with everyone else and scared the hell out of them becuase there was a screaming monkey clinging to my arm and i was waving my body around frantically. and that's when i woke up. ta da!!! I found it entertaining. It made me laugh...
Read 10 comments
I feel kinda dumb... lol... I forgot I gave you those cds... oops...
yeah, africa definitely sounds like an amazing place to go and visit for a while, the only thing that would worry me would be the diseases, definitely wouldnt be fun to come back with the ebola virus or malaria, anywa, adios
ooh yay! I was entertained by your cool dream too.

Power Rangers!!!!
Thanks, I'm glad that you like it!
oh man that was a cool dream. it was crazy ha. and thanks for the comment.
thanks for the comment
oh told me about that..that's funny!
hah yeah its tbs
haha oh my gosh, i have wierd meaningless dreams liek that all the time lol ...wierd shit