music is my boyfriend

Listening to: Lit & alkaline trio
Lit and alkaline trio are such good bands... My weekend was crappy, but today was good. It was just fun or some reason. Sam and I are going out for ice cream on Wednesday. I love ice cream and sam is way funny. So, hopefully that will be awesome. Tons of homework due wednesday. It's going to be hell trying to get it all done tomorrow night. Thursday I think i'm going to hang out with wes. Not sure how i feel about that kid. I couldn't get him out of my mind over the weekend. It was wierd. He's so awesome, especially when it's just us two or maybe a few other friends with us. But when he gets with a group of people, he's loud and not as awesome. He's still funny and still really cool, but it's just not the same. Half the time i'll sit there and be like, "shhhh...child, you're loud. shush!!!" But he really is awesome. A 12 year old girl drowned in our school pool over the weekend. She had heart problems or something and yeah.... It's wierd to think about how people can slip away from you so easily. 2 people at my school died this year and i've heard of tons of other people dieing. I don't know if it's just becuase there has been a lot of deaths this year, or if it's because as i get older, i become more aware of how screwed up the world is.
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sara without an h is now sara without an h but with a boyfriend, haha.

shes offlimits, yo. but im still going to be her pal, no worries.

im so confused with girls lately, haha.

sorry about the little girl.

and, not lame.
I think it's just because you notice more. Or maybe we're told more. Because I've looked in my brother's year books and there is sometimes like...4 people that died during the year. It seems like when you're younger they try to hide it from you or something....
the world is messed up.....i think the world gets some sick pleasure out of seeing us suffer.....or something like that...
Ya, I went to a concert and lit was there, they started playing and sounded good then the leader singer said, "LEts turn up the volume I don't think the people in the back can hear us, same with the base, was so out of whack you couldn't hear a word the leader singer said, or most of what the band played.