portaits. of me!!!!

Feeling: dancy
well, i'm dancing. it's fun. i'm in a better mood today. i like it. thank you neil for being there for me. and no thanks to paul who left me!!! just kidding paul, i love ya! anyways, i want to take some more recent pics of me becuase i have some people i want to send them to, but i can never get good pics of me. but...my brother is majoring in photography (which i'm considering doing...a little) and i've heard he takes really good portrait pictures. for one of his classes he needs to take portrait pics that can be expressed through the body instead of the face. and he actually wanted to take some of me becuase he knows me and he knows i will cooperate and everything. i thought it was pretty cool. i'm excited. i love my brother. nat and linds are having troubles. and i'm not relaly in the middle of it, but they both like to tell me their problems, so, i can see both sides of it. and they are both thinking totaly different things. it's hard to give advice becuase both sides are so different. it's tough. i do like that fact that they know they can talk to me though. i love that feeling!
Read 4 comments
Hmmm. I suppose its ok but you gotta think about waht happens to the child.
Like kids learn there gender roles from the parent of that sex, or so it seems.

And what happens to mother and fathers day?
Good point with the orphans, i mean i guess its better living safe with gay parents that being abused or something.

i was thinking though, are any other animals on earth gay?

(ooo you know GAY came from the posters they held when protesting years ago - 'Good As You'. Fasinating stuff)
hehehe cats n dogs. I dunno amybe there is, keep a look out for them.

What would a cat n dog poduce?

Dittens? Cuppies?
i really appreciate that. you mentioned some dude named paul. do i know you? i dont think i do....but hey thats cool too