20 things you didn't know about me.

I know I haven't written in this in a looong time. Like, seriously written in it, but right now it's 12 am and i'm bored. I was pooped today from new years and i slept all day. Soo..I am now wide awake. I feel really empty. Like I'm missing something. It's weird. I just don't feel whole right now. I mean, i'm happy..but i'm like...empty. It's really hard to explain. Maybe it's because i'm lonely. I'm here at my house. I'm awake. I have no one to talk to. I have no one to complain to about being bored..hehe. Reason to celebrate: new years was fun. this is the result of boredom: 20 things you didn't know about me: *I talk in my sleep. *I love music...mostly all of it. seriously..i love it all. *I'm really picky when it comes to the following: boys, food and that's about all haha. *I'm left handed, but I do mostly everything that isn't writing with my right hand. *I like writing corny poems and short stories when I'm bored..and they usually are about my life. And they usually get thrown away. *When I have a crush on someone I get really shy around them (if i think they know) if they don't know and I'm around them I act really stupid. *I love my gamecube..especially zelda the windwaker. Because, well, I just can't explain it. But I am obsessed. *I used to live in Philly, and sometimes I wish I still did. *I hate my moms sisters...and most of their kids. *I have over 300 away messages stored, and I use about 3. *I treat my animals like babies...and I love them...a lot. *I love the beach..but I'm scared of the ocean..unless the water is clear. I hate not being able to see my feet. It's like a phobia. *I love and I am more grateful for my friends then they'll ever know. *I've never been kissed. (on the lips) *i love pictures. *When I was little I was obsessed with Mickey Mouse..so my parents took me to disney world..where I screamed and cried when they tried to make me go say Hi to him. I was scared. (c'mon, he was a giant mouse that was hugging everyone. I was used to a tiny little mouse on my tv screen.) *When I found out Santa isn't real I told my 5 year old little brother. (I was 8) *I like Cheese. A lot. haha. *My name means Palm Tree hence my xanga username/screen name/e-mail address. *I have a dell computer..and it's a piece of shit. ---------------------------------------------- edit: here's some more [[[PAST]]] [1] First grade teacher's name: Oh geez I don't remember [2] Last words you said: hmm, i think it was just "ok" [3] Last song you sang: some stupid song that i heard on tv that was stuck in my head [4] Last person you hugged: probably alicia when she was all sad cuz her and john were fighting..last night aka new years eve. [5] Last thing you laughed at: When I watched Tommy Boy. haha. [6] Last time you said I dont remember: haha umm see question 1 [7] Last time you cried: hmm, a few days ago out of frustration. [[[PRESENT]]] [8] What are you listening to right now: nothing, which is kinda weird. [9] What colour socks are you wearing: boo, i hate socks. [10] What's under your bed: hmm..some boxes, memory boxes. [11] What time did you wake up today: around 11, but then i went to sleep again around 1, and then woke up again around 6. haha. [12] Current taste: the last thing i had was some wine. i dunno y, i just really wanted some, so i poured a glass. i swear i'm not an alchoholic, haha. i'm very far from it, i just wanted some. [13] Current hair: i got out of the shower and let it air dry a bit, then i pulled it up so i could go to sleep and woke up and it was still a little damp, and now it's dry, but i havent touched it since so just imagine that haha. [14] Current clothes: grey pj pants, cv sweatshirt [15] Current annoyance: my boredom [16] Current longing: marshmallows, there's a fire going outside and i want to roast some. [17] Current desktop picture: Me and my little brother on christmas eve...looking all festive [18] Current worry: nothing really. [19] Current hate: boys in general. haha except a few..but boys suck if u think about it. [20] Current favorite article of clothing: hmm, nothing-i dont really care. [21] Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: hmm..well, taller then me. Trusting eyes, nice smile. [22] Last CD that you listened to: ummmm..some mix that dwayne made. [23] Favorite place to be: on my couch, watching a movie, cuddled up with someone. haha. [24] Least favorite place: school. [25] Time you wake up in the morning: it depends on when i go to sleep. but for school i wake up at 5:45. [26] If you could play an instrument, what would you play: the drums [27] Favorite color: pink [28] Do you believe in an afterlife: i think it's silly for people to worry about what's gonna happen after they die. Just live your life and be happy with it, it's the only one you have. No one can ever say if there's an afterlife or not. Worry about the life you're living right now. [29] How tall are you: 5'7"..ick [30] Current favorite word/saying: hmm..i say so many random things [31] Favorite book: The sisterhood of the traveling pants, and then second summer of the sisterhood..and fearless. [32] Favorite season: spring [33] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: ooo man, there are so many. [[[FUTURE]]] [35] Where do you want to go: I want to travel a bit. But i think i want to live in Pennsylvania. [36] What is your career going to be like: I want to get into advertising. Like the stratigical end, and the business. I want to be the one to come up with ideas for commercials. [37] How many kids do you want: 3 [38] What kind of car will you have: that's not really something i'm too worried about, haha. [[[HAVE YOU EVER...]]] [39] Said "I love you" and meant it: yes. to my family and my animals, and of course my best friends. but no one else. [40] Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: haha yeah, my dog bit me once so i ignored him for like 2 days and he was so sad. [41] Been to New York: driven through the state, and saw the city from afar [42] Been to Florida: no [43] Been to California: no [44] Been to Hawaii: no [45] Been to Mexico: almost went [46] Been to China: No [47] Been to Canada: yepp [48] Danced naked: haha...no. [49] Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: hmm, i'm sure it's happened [50] Wanted to be the opposite sex: hmm, sometimes i wish i were..but i like being a girl. Girls have more fun! [51] Had an imaginary friend: yeah..joey..i was little. we met through the ouigi (sp?) board! [52] have a crush on someone: "my minds all screwed and upside down, but my hearts on overdrive.." [53] What are you reading now?: just finished the second summer...moving on to the third one when it comes out.. [54] Worst feeling in the world: Being lonely, knowing that someone you care about doesn't care much about you. [55] What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: usually i wonder what time it is. [56] How many rings before you answer: 2 [56] Furture daughter's name: Audrey Kathleen [58] Future son's name: Cooper Daniel [59] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no..i need one to sleep with tho. all mine are so tiny, i usually lose them. [60] If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: advertising account executive [61] Wish you were here: JL [62] College plans: i'm taking a year off and working to save up some $, then it's off to hacc! [63] Piercings: 3 [[[THE EXTRA STUFF]]] [64] Do you do drugs: no [65] Do you smoke: no [66] Who are your best friends: Alicia Nicole and Melissa Anne [67] What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: whatever my mom buys [68] What are you most scared of: not being loved [69] What clothes do you sleep in: sweatpants, sweatshirts, tshirts...etc. [70] Who is the last person that called you: Hmm..there's some random # on my phone, i think it was one of the boys from new years that called me as a joke. [71] Where do you want to get married: a beach or something [72] If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: hmm....my weight. i'm not really happy with it. i know i should be and i know i'm not fat...but i think everyones like that. [73] Who do you really hate: me being lonely [74] Been In Love: no. [75] Are You Timely Or Always Late: i think i'm timely..but occasionally i'm late. [76] Do You Have A Job: i'm working on it. [77] Do You Like Being Around People: yes. [78] Best feeling in the world: getting hugged and giving hugs. [79] Are you for world peace: it'd be nice, but i dont see it in the future. [80] Are you a health freak: no..... [81] Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: i dunno, i mean there are certain qualities i like in a guy, but not all are physical. actually, most aren't. every guy i've liked looks and act really different. [82] Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: yes [83] Are You Lonely Right Now: yes. [84] Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: every second of my life [85] Do You Want To Get Married: yes [86] Do You Want Kids: yes [[[IN THE LAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU...]]] [87] Cried: nooo [88] Bought Something: no [89] Gotten Sick: noo [90] Sang: all the time [91] Said I Love You: yeah..to my sister on the phone before we said bye. [92] Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: i wish i loved someone, or someone loved me [93] Met Someone New: i met a lot of new people! [94] Moved On: noo [95] Talked To Someone: yes [96] Had A Serious Talk: no [97] Missed Someone: yesssssssssss [98] Hugged Someone: yes [99] Kissed Someone: yes [100] Fought With Your Parents: i do that often [101] Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: yes [102] Had a lot of sleep: yes i'm sorry for putting u to sleep.
Read 4 comments
cool diary, i luv the colors (: purrtaynezz lol
[68] What are you most scared of: not being loved
...and you my dear never have to worry about that, b/c i love you so much!! and someday a boy will love you just as much as i do (which is tons and tons and tons) b/c you are the coooolest!! xoxo
sisterhood of the traveling pants... I have never known anyone who's even heard of that series!!! I love it though!!! that's a cool survey. one day i might steal it just so you know:P
Actually yes...but he came to Pa for the whole summer (this past summer) and we got along great...so..technically yeah we met online...but eh...its actually pretty good relationship right now...he was here for christmas...and thanksgiving...he comes back and forth alot.