Bored outta my mind.

Hi. I'm bored. Here. *Personal* Full Name: Tammy Elizabeth Age: 15...ahhh it sucks ass Birthday: December 18th, 87!! I best get some presents or online greeting cards or SOMETHING! Nicknames: Well, I used to be called like everything, but now these are the things I'm called: Tamara, Tammm tamm..ahaha sarah, Tamantha--haha michael! umm and i used to be called Tamberine a lot, which i actually liked and i don't know why i just thought it was funny! *Boyzz* Do you have a crush?: Not currently. Do you have a bf/gf?: Not currently! Have you ever stalked anyone?: yes, but not always for i stalked a few boyz in my lifetime, but the one i helped alicia stalk last year is still with here...ahaha, i think that is just so fucking hilarious..annnd that's it. ha Have you ever had sex?: Nope. Have you ever kissed anyone?: Not yet..:( haha i'm such a lozer! What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?: Like a month and some odd days--and he was a retarded fuckhead with no life. haha. *Friendz* Name you're best friend(s): Michelle, Lizzie Name your good friends: Michelle, Lizzie, Whit, Sarah, Katie P., Heather G., Jade, but i havn't talked to her in a while, and there's more. Who is the most fun?: I'd have to say whitney is really fun, but i would have to say my 2 best girlies--because they're just awesome! Who can you talk to about everything?: Lizzie and michelle! Who is the most immature?: haha Whit, def.!! lol i still <3 u! Who is most likley to be a porn star: Well, since whit has even stated it, i'd have to say her! Who is the most stylish: Katie P.!! lol jk jk, she just always looks comfortable..not stylish, i was just kidding--haha i'm not saying she's not stylish--haha she understand me!!! Which one of your friends is most likley to solve world hunger?: Lizzie Anne! Name some people who you used to be friends with: Umm, well there's a lot, Alicia, Justine, Missy, Jess, natalie, sam s., jess m...ha that's a lot. Why aren't you friends with them anymore?: Well, there are a few reasons. and actually istill ocassionally talk to cart + alicia...but everyone else we just don't like each other at all anymore, and natalie--i feel bad and i wish we were friends...but we're not, i ditched her bcuz of justine and now ifeel bad...4 years later :( Do you think that you will be friend with these people ever again: It's possible--but i'm pretty happy right now! *Random Stuff* How many houses have u lived in?: hmm..let me count--emery st., flanders rd., brookhaven, asherst, woodbride, trindle, and now texaco! That makes 7!!!!!!!!!!! Do you have any pets: 3--cat, dog, hamster..woo woo. Are you an A+ Student?: Ha, in Spanish I am!! lol, everything else i'm like an A-B+, I used to be a D-F!! hahaha...but i'm so awesome. Last question...any comments?: I'm coooool. wow..ha bye!
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you know who this is tamm tammm!! haha i love it! and i love you! your such a great girl! and mean the worldddd to me! <3 <3 rahhh
im stealing ur quiz hehehe.

and yea 'stripped' is hella awesome.