MY man.

I am soooo happy right now. today was the one of the worst/best days of my entire liife!! OKAY, you're probably really confused..buut here's why is was the best: Missy and Alicia went and talked to cameron and told him ALL about me, and that made me go over and chat a bit, more like just sit there and nervously laugh..buuut either way i went over. And then after lunch he said hi to me in the hallway, omg that sounds sooo middle school but it felt soo good!! I heart hiiim! So now that he knew that i like him i was all happy and such, and i was like noo i'm not gonna see him for the rest of the day, boy was i wrong!! I stayed after cuz missy wanted a math clinic buddy and then we went to the mall and exchanged missy's shoes for a smaller pair. it was fun, until we walked past pacsun and saw my man!! (ha, not really..but u know, it's nice to say MY man.) so it took me like forever and a year to go in the store and when i finally did i was crawling around on the floor avoiding him, even tho he was in the back. so then he comes out and missy goes "CAMERON, HEY!" and then he says hi ladies, and i popped up. he told me what clothes i should buy, and i just smiled and nodded and said i liked pretty much everything i the store. The reason it was the worst day was because, cameron is KIND of with this sophomore girl. i dont understand why, buut he is. but he said he'd think about the whole thing with awesome me...also, he probably thinks i'm a huge freak cuz i was crawling around on the floor annnd cameron obviously likes this other girl if he's kind of with her. but u know what?? He's MY man. that's all. farewell.
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ohh dont you worry about Cammy and that other girl...I will take care of that (*evil laughter as i formulate a plan to extinguish the annoy girl*)!! But yes, you must talk to him lots now...cuz we all are seriously gonna go to the movies sometime!!
...mucho amor...