
blah i hate school!! Seriously--it feels like summer outside which makes me never want to look at school again. Not only that but some of the people at that place annoy me to no end. annnd i just hate it. So my weekend went like this: Play on friday w/ lissa. went home, moped around a bit and then went to sleep. Saturday I woke up and got online and melissa IMed me saying she was coming to get me. Of course i was like, awesome and i put some clothes on and ran out the door. We went to McDonalds and ate outside!! haha--fuun fuuun! Then we ran around the mall a bit and melissa tried on a few dresses for prom. Of course none of them were prom dresses--more like fun silly dresses--buut oh well. I tried on some as well just to be fun. Then we left the mall and went and got scottie (her lil bro) and took him to Dairy Queen. Then we went back to the mall, and then toys r us, and then back to lissa's. Where we did nothing and melissa fell asleep!!!!! I sat up and doodled and looked at magazines..haha. Then we woke up and got showers and such, ross came over, we all went and got some taco bell, then went back to missy's and hung out. Now i'm home and i hear my dad outside talking to jess's boyfriend. He's like talking all serious, about how collin is a dickhead-bahahahaha. I find it kind of funny. Anyway...I'm gonna go--school is tomorrow and i have dumb homework, byeeeeeeeeeee!
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