
for some reason...this summer i feel really really antisocial. and it's weird, it's not like i don't like my friends..damn it my friends are the shiiit...i just don't feel like calling neone or nething. haha...i dunno. well, when i got back from camping my mom-mom had surgery and i had to babysit a few times. buuut, on like, tuesday casey came over (my neighbor.) and we hung out...played life w/ the little ones and watched legally blonde 2. then she went home and i like slept or something, haha. then on wednesday we went to the pool and casey went with us, we didn't stay long, and i got burnt. it sucked. then we went back to my house and like watched TV, and then my mom drove casey home. (she lives acrossed a field, she's not like my next door neighbor..haha.) and i chilled w/ my fam, and then we went to collin's to swim in his o-so-warm pool. it was fun. it was me, jess, collin, dan, emily, and allie. well, emily is 10 and allie is 8. by the end of the night they were pissing me off soo bad. they're really spoiled, and they cry everytime they don't get their way. well, most of the time i can hold back my feelings..but i just exploded. i got in a huge fight w/ everyone, i didn't want to go home w/ jess. everything was just making me mad. buut eventually we went home and i sat in my room all night and cried. haha, lovely i know. wellll thursday (yesterday.) I sat around all day and pretty much did nothing...i watched a few movies. well, around 4 lissa called and asked if i wanted to go see spiderman 2 w/ her ross, ryan, and earl. and of course, i said yes. so in the middle of 4-7:30 my dad and i got in a fight and then when lissa came and got me i felt really bad when he gave me money. ugh, i dont know what's up w/ me lately. i'm being so mean to everyone. well, the movie rocked but it felt like it was never gonna end. i loved everything that happened tho..and there is DEF. gonna be a third w/ the hob goblin. i can't wait! well, now it's 2:06, and i just woke up about 15 minutes ago, haha. that's another thing, i don't even stay up that late, and i sleep all day. and if i'm woken up earlier then when i would normally wake up i am soo tired. it's crazy. i think i just need to get back on a normal sleeping schedule. well..i'm out, goodbye!
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uncle gilbert says hello...actually he didnt say that..i actually didnt even tell him..haha..i just thought hearing that would make you happy..cuz i know how bad you wanna be my just that damn cool right tam????