Live Journal

hey---so i love my sitDiary, it's my BABY! haha, but i cannot deal with these ads. soo, i'm going to livejournal. sorry homieeess!!! much love! i may be back sometime, but i'm out for now, and i will try to donate money..if i can. tams livejournal
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I guess since you're online, I won't bother going to live journal. As I dislike live journal. and the ads here don't bug me. but that's not the point. I did comment on your live journal though. So don't miss that one.

Arr, I named my sister Chelsea. li'l brat. I was five. Chelsea was my favourite name. Evar.

Heh, and thanks. I feel all complimented and stuff.
how do u make ur entries go to the right?