
so u can pretty much take my last entry and throw it away, because my life fucking sucks. Well, to start things off, my cat ran away today. she does this ever so often, but everytime she does i get this feeling that she won't come back. She's not an outdoor cat, because our last outdoor cat was bitten by something and had to get put to sleep. So basically, I'm scared, because this cat is like my child. I love her to death, and like, it's just really hard without her like rubbing up against my legs or begging me for food. Secondly, school is so dumb and all of my teachers are really cranky and stupid and they all expect nothing but our abosolute best, aka perfection. I hate school. Lastly, Cameron. God, is there really more to say? He's just another person on my list to prove that I am un-likable. There are so many people that don't like me/havn't liked me that it's crazy, and every guy that I like prove's it more and more by rejecting me. Well, he never actually rejected me, but I KNOW that he would never date me, he's like waaay to good for me and every way. He deveres someone prettier, smarter, nicer...and I deserve nothing, no one..nada. I'm pretty much a waste of useful air. I'm not smart, i don't have a significant other, my cat is gone...and she's like a part of me. I used to pray like every night for god to help make things better, i've come to the conclusion that there is no fucking god, either that or he hates me. Bye. Update ----------------------------------------------------- I was just reading someone's xanga and this is a direct quote "It's the best feeling in the world to feel wanted by someone you really care about." I wish I knew how that felt. Bye, again.
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EXCUSE ME- if not havin' a significant other, a cat, or being smart makes u a waste of air... then i'm a memember of that club...
we just gotta improve our plans and stop bein so shy lol i love ya tam i'd b pretty lost w/ out ya i'm glad ur back in my life u have a rockin
personality and ur real, truly genuine!!! aka u are AWESOME