My Prerogative

Listening to: Crash Into Me- DMB
Feeling: happy
haha. wow. I just think annonymous comments are just hilarious and cowardly. And I obviously have an idea of who they are from. I'm not fucking stupid. I'm probaly happier than you are, and I don't need to bash on other people to make me feel better. I'm going to say this one more time: get a fucking life, because I know you don't fucking have one. Enough of that. I've been having a lot of fun lately. Between football games and friends, I'm totally happy. Football games are especially fun because we have actually been winning. Go us. We are actually very goos this year, and I know we are gonna get a whole lot better. Things are fantastic with Allen. The only thing is, it's only been a week since I've seen him, but it has seemed like a month. This is really starting to get hard. Jamie and I have officially planned that we will have our weddings together. You should come. haha. soo funny. Thats pretty much the updates. Heres some lyrics for all you haters out there. They say I'm crazy I really don't care That's my prerogative They say I'm nasty But I don't give a damn Getting boys is how I live Some messy questions Why am I so real? But they don't undersand me I really don't know the deal about my sister Trying hard to make it right Not long ago Before I won this fight Everybody's talking all this stuff about me Why don't they just let me live? I don't need premition, make my own decisions That's my prerogative that's my prerogative it's my prerogative Go Britney and Bobby Brown. Always, Amanda
Read 14 comments
Anonoymous comments are pathetic. I agree with ya completly.
get the lyrics right
what does it matter if the comments are anonymous or not? it's not like you would ever confront someone if you knew who they were anyways. get over it
just fuck off and leave amanda alone.
Bobby Brown is a drugged out wife beater and Britney seems to be compeletely sane. Rigght... Good role models.
leaving rude anonymous comments is f**kin childish. Get a life haters.
long distance relationships do suck the big one, aint seen my girl.. well since yesterday, itll be another 3 weeks til i can. its gonna succk!!!
that was me, oops!!
I hate random comments!!!

Kari ;p
god i hate anonymous commenters

party on!

hey cool dairy!!!
hey. cool diary =)
I read your note in "NEWS" and I agree. I am really ashamed to live in the US, and if it weren't for my fiance being in the Army Reserves at the moment, I'd probably take him and go to Canada.
can i read your diary? It interests me but you've changed it to friends only. I'm intrigued. It's like a soap opera that's just been cancelled!!