Been a long time

Feeling: accomplished
Well me and my mom are finally getting along. shes letting me talk to will now and i dont have to seek around about it. i'm at my dads house. heres the story about the wreck i was down to the parade with chelsea and the fire trucks started pulling out of the parade. then the siren went off. we just thought it was a fire or whatever. as we were on the corner of the dandy headed home chelsea got a phone call on her cell. well it turns out that the siren and fire truckes were for us. Both of our vehicals got hit. I was walking really fast up the huge hill and chelsea wanted a break but i didnt let her. well there were cops, ambulance and the fire company there. this drunk driver was going like hell and he must have came around the corner or just came down the street and hit my dads 8,000 lb truck and pushed it on the side walk. he must have been going really fast for that to happen. cause my dads truck is pretty massive. well as it hit my dads truck it fliped over on its side and hit my step moms trail blazer. My dads fender is all broke and his axle is all messed up. he has to have it towed. my step mom has a big dent in the side of her car but if she didnt have a deer guard i bet her car would have been totaled. her axle might be screwed up too... *this was all before i got there* the passenger of the car got our and strarted to run away... which is kinda weird. well the driver must have got out. he was drunk as a skunk. i think all of them were. but there was this lady in there too. my dad went out when he heard it and she was sitting on our steps. she said that they were headed on their way to the hospital and she was drinking to help her pain. then she asked my dad for a drink. haha. but they caught the guy that was running. and took the girl to the hospital. there was another girl that could have died. she was coming up the street and if the car didnt hit our vehicals she would of been hit head on and died. when they flipped the car over beer cans were coming out of the car. haha. but now my dad has to go look for a new truck cause his is unrepariable. and he needs it really bad this week. they're taking my step moms trail blazer to go look for cars. i hope the trail blazer isnt bad. but that was my eventful night. i have pics of the wreck if you want to see them. go to then the police were here this morning to give us back our information and what not... but other than that nothing new. im getting an iPod for christmas. yay. my dad wanted me home at 8:15 last night. he doenst trust me. hes like "no hanging out with dopers. if your late i'll grab you by the hairs of your head..." blah blah blah. and then he said "if it wasnt for that accident you would have been late wouldnt you have" and i would of been on time because we were walking home when we got the phone call about hte accident. he doenst trust me at all. what ever. but that was my eventful. night. i havent wrote in here in forever. i should keep writing in it. oh and i re did my MySpace go to well i'm gonna go leave the comments and tell me what you think about this whole layout. i have to go wait for my cousin to get here. -Kayla
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