No School

Listening to: People on the radio
Feeling: blank
I got home from Flordia yesterday morning at like 2:30am. I didn't go to school monday because I didnt get to sleep until late. When we came home my dog came out of the garage all jumpy and happy. It was cute. We really didn't do much while we were down there. We went to Silver Springs and saw all the animals. The Girrafe poop really stuck. There is this little tent thing set up by our house down there and they had tiger which are my favorite animal. I got my picture taken with a baby tiger. He was so soft. The big tiger almost sprayed my mom.(like peed on her) if she was a foot closer she would have been hit bad. Then they had this white tiger and a black lepord. They were so pretty. You had to pay 75 cents to get to see those. But o well. They had cub tiger and they were playing it was really cute. My mom took like 50 pictures of the stupid baboon. She never got one of his butt though. There was this half cow and half hariy boare that i fed stuff to. I got my hand all slobbery. He was all alone so I had to feed him. They had a camel and i was afraid he was going to spit on me. They had goats and ponies too. and a python. We went to bass proshop down by orlando. I got a Kasey Kahne shirt at Bass proshop and a pair of brown sandles. Then i finaly got a new pair of shoes. When ever i wore my pink outfit it was all pretty untill the shoes. They are my volleyball shoes and their all grass stain and everything. So now its all good. My whole outfit works now. lol We went to Dairy Queen...Its a tradition. We went to wal mart and went out to eat. We went to Golden Corral and i love their meatloaf the first time we went it was scrumdiddlyumpshious. Second time it was dry. We went to Codys road house the last night we were there. There were really hot bus boys. :-D we went to the beach too. The first time we went out the water was up so high I've never seen it like that. Then it was really windy and when we opened the door to get out sand was just flying you could hear it hit the windows. It was bad. We went then the last night we were there and it was really pretty the sunset and all. I found out you can't go Skim boarding at the beach. I was mad. I drew a big heart in the sand. It was cute. Then I burried my feet. and then went in the water. It wasnt that cold. I was breaking out in a bad rash at night time right before I went to bed. I think it was because my mom was using Tide bleach. She uses Tide but not with the bleach so... I've been looking for one of those charm/link braclets but I could never find a "K" and We went to a flea market and i found one so I got one. YAY!! On our way home we stoped at Burger King and my mom was being really embassing. Then on the way out I almost walked out when I saw this magizine and Kasey Kahne was on the cover. Its a nascar Illistrated. *kayla drools* then he was inside the cover on 2 pages. He looked hotter there. I did none of my homework over the vacation except on the way down. We went by huntersville where kasey lives. I wanted to go and see his house but mom wouldnt let me. o well some other day. lol We had no school today which is really great. I'm so happy. Well this is a real long entry and I dont want to bore everyone by making it long so I guess I'll go. Bye -Kayla
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okay you stalker.
YAY YOU'RE BACK. Algebra yesterday was fucking scary we got our tests back and tom didn't get his and he was staring at me and he said he wasn't going to stop until he got his test back and so i got all creepyed out. no school today. do you have a tan? so you enjoyed florida? that's awesome. i'm so glad you're back. algebra has been too quiet without you! I missed you soooo much! check your comments and get a new pic.