Carrer Day

Listening to: Jen and people typing
Feeling: hungry
We had carrer day today. it was so funny. the guy at the army stand was so funny. He played with the hackey sac and got like 63 with his boots on. His record i guess is like 3000 something. thats really amazing. I got 2 pins and a sticker. Then he was down in hawaii and got a puka shell and made it into a necklace. Then some hawaiin dude was like "where are you from tahts a great necklace" hes like "yeah some bling bling im from montrose." then to make the "W" thing with your fingers and cross your middle and ring finger over, he used he mouth. lol it was so funny. I'm in study hall at the library. we only have like 10 mins before lunch. so... i wont beable to talk for that long. Chicken buffalo things for lunch today. woo-hoo those things are hottt. I feel like i'm forgeting to write something. OH i have to do my algebra homework next period. ugg... Well i think i'm going to go. wow i just realzed how fast i can type. its amazing. hehehe well i'm going to go now. later -Kayla
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