who decides??

Listening to: "cut me" CP
Feeling: confused
hey everybody, wussupp?? man i was so bumbed out today, i didnt get to school until like 9:20am and school starts at 8:40am but like I was feelin sick, and then in BCIS then internet wasnt workin for me or Christa so we had to do our work and that's it. shit this guy was gettin on my nerves, so i aint got to talk around him ill get right to it. His name is Jarvis and he was fuckin wit me all day, first he tries to trip me, then push me down the stairs, then he pulls my hair, throws my food, and hits me so fuckin hard in the ribs i thought about killin him. I ended up just fuckin chokin him for a minute. FUCKIN FOOL. next time ill be forced to stab him b/c the school security is not doin its job so ill do it for him, and protect my damn self. i was watching this movie today and it made me think, who decides what will happen to the baby between a couple?? rather it be teens, or adults?? how do you meet in the middle?? i asked a guy friend of mine named jp who thinks he's king tut, he said that girl can not kill his baby but it's hers too. and my boyfriend thinks the same thing. but all of my girlfriends think that it is their decision b/c more than likely they will be the ones with the baby when it all goes down ya know?? well let me in on some of yalls opinions. and im fresh out of thoughts so till next time, or until the bcis internet works at least. bye luv always Tara
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What code did you use to create a background picture cause i dont know how to do it! would really appreciate a reply, thanking youuuus :D