not happy at all

Feeling: unimportant
Hey guys, wussup?? me sitting at home very not happy right now. First of all I let my friend do my hair, and she was cutting this piece of (false hair) extention. Well in that hair piece was my hair. So now yeah you guessed it, my hair is cut too now!!! its awful, like a full two inches!! Next, to allow me to call my day a little off... my dad has decided that he will have to think about it before deciding if he will buy the matresses for my new bed. You guys this man is $2,000 behind on child support and he wants to think about it??? So now that the asshole wants his daughter to sleep in a twin sized bed until she's forty I'll move to my next wrong I've got this other really pushy friend. Well I didn't feel much like talkin, and if anybody knows me you dont push me into talking. well she wants to push me into talkin, and then gets mad when I don't want to go half on a gift for HER BOYFRIEND!! What the fuck??? So next here's my boyfriend. He mentions this girl named Samantha but then reframes from telling me about her because I am a little celosa sometimes and he's worried about what I will turn this into (ive got a big imagination) so now im like hold on? what's he hiding ya know?? wont tell me shit so now my minds starting creating Samantha and tellin me the story he wont!! not a good thing. And now that I am online with no other line or DSL all of my friends are gettin aggrivated becase I am not available for convo mainly because I'm typin on this thing!! SUMMARY ever felt like life wasnt fair?? if you have i am right there with you. i mean i learned my lesson about letting just anybody in my head, but why did i have to lose two inches to find that out?? and i know im jealous but why cant he just tell me who she is and what he wanted to tell me about her??? why can't my far behind on child support dad buy some mattress or just send more money through child support to buy the mattresses? and why does she want me to go half on a gift that is normally $90 for her damn boyfriend that she hardly likes??? well since that is the summary down to a T ill talk to you guys later. luv always ME
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