More Snow?!

Listening to: The Academy Awards
Feeling: torn
It's been a while since I`ve wrote yet nothing to exciting has happened over the last couple of days. Today was a bit chilly still very sunny and i think a few inches of snow melt on the ground. Although my mom just told me that I might have an early dismisal Monday (tomorrow) because "they" are calling for 6" of snow! "MORE SNOW?!" I think to myself. It seems like the warm weather will never come. Today was a very exciting day! I woke up early, around 7 and got ready for mass. I love my church, its so beautiful (St. T on bridge street) esp. on sunny sunday mornings! Then we were to Bob Evans for breakfast (and i got way to much food... so I asked for a doggie bag.) So being a Sunday, the plan was to lounge around all day and simply hang out with the family! Well, that all changed when leesha called me and asked if i wanted to shop with her at the mall. (well, of course i cant pass a shopping trip!) Then i called a. char to see if she wanted to tag along and shes just like me in the sense--- she cant pass up spending money and shoppinnnng!! (Danielle and Nicole came as well!!!!!!) We went to the Colnieal Mall and shopped for a quick 5 hrs. because my mom planned this family dinner so we had to be home for that. It was a really fun trip and i bought some really cute wet seal and holister clothes! well, im really tired of typing and i think im just going to try and finish gina's cd, watch The Academy Awards, and settle in bed. night xo --MJ oh and i`ll write about how things are going with travis later.... definitely an update there.... and i dont know if its a good change or bad... we`ll see..
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