amazing night

Feeling: amazing
I`m listening to an awesome song... *dashboard confessional -- hands down* here are some of the lyrics My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me. So won't you kill me? So I die happy. My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelry. Whichever you prefer. and... Stay quiet, stay near, stay close, they can't hear. and... Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember. Always remember the sound of the stereo. The dim of the soft lights. And the time on the clock, when we realized It's so late And this walk that we share together. The streets were wet, and the gate was locked, So I jumped it, and let you in. And you stood at the door, with your hands on my waist. And you kissed me like you meant it. And I knew...that you meant it. ................ i dont know why.. but i LOVE this song... anyways, i just wanted to put that.. now about my night.. well, to start off it was trick-or-treat. the little kids running around the neighborhood were adorable! i went to brit n leeshas but actually i went with josh to walk around. It was soo much fun. We walked a little but mostly hung out at the hillside playground! ;) hehe .......... it was a lot of fun. he is amazing and just thinking of him makes me smile!! ;D and i know im getting all weird but i cant help it!! well, my ma told me to clean up my room... so i will write later. <3 [ XOXO ] ` michelle
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