monday night

Listening to: cold
Feeling: broken
Its Monday-- we had off school, because well, i think it had something to do with hunting or something like that. anyways.. my day was really relaxing. My grandparents dropped danielle and i off home because we slept over, around noon and we just chilled around the house. oh and dad didnt work today either so we all just did our own thing.. i layed in my bed all day and watched tv. hehe it was great. danielle skipped basketball because she "didnt feel good" and then when daddy was making us dinner (chicken wings) and he walked out to the front to look at the landscaping and when we went back there was a really big grease fire in the grill! haha! but he fixed it and well, i dont know what he did because i was watching tv in my room, but its all better an while all this was going on, mom was at work (hehe it sucks for her she had to work on a day we all had off!!) jk jk anyways, i talked to josh online for the first time since thanksgiving... hes so cute.. hehe. um, i dont really know what to write, nothing new really had happened. um... oh i left my cell phone at my aunt charlenes but shes gunna bring it tomorrow so its cool.. i feel weird without it tho!! (ew, i sounded dumb when i said that) i dont think im going for my walk tonite, im 2 scared after watching that scary movie (blaire witch project!) hehe =p i read this.. and geez, aint it the truth.. "people say [what`s the point in liking someone who doesn`t like you back] they`re right there isn`t a point, but you can`t help who you like it's not up to you..yOur heart kinda just [decides for yOu]"
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