so stressed out..

Listening to: On Fire -- switchfoot
Feeling: dizzy
I have the biggest headache ever and im my day was *blah* It was actually not to bad.. I kinda talked to Josh today.... god i fall for his smile every time i see him...its so beautiful... geez im so pathetic..but i dont give a fuck. some of my friends are driving me absolutly insane lately and keep asking me how *wolfe and I are* i think its cool they care about my love life (or whatever u wanna call it) its just everryydayyy, every block, and then they kill me with questions about "us" and i mean god, i *love* talking about him and thinking about him... i just dont wanna talk about the things that they wanna talk about alllll the time. Its kinda outta control and i dont like that... Another thing that kinda makes me crazy is talking about him so much and then not seeing him as much... its so stupid because talking about him makes me like him even more and i guess thats not a bad thing.. but according to leesha it is... (thats a whole differnt complicating depressing story there) I just wanna be in his arms and not have to worry about all this stupid shit. (sorry i just had to vent) im like shaking and i havent eaten anything all day.. but i dont wanna.. it just feel so strange.. i cant explain it... what a day :
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