Miss Conduct - I AM NOT JHONEN!

Listening to: Placebo - I Do
Feeling: liberated
I didn't sleep very well last night. Nightmares again. It's to be expected. My nightmares aren't really scary, just mildly disturbing to the point where, if I wake up before one ends, I lie in bed, staring at the wall, or ceiling, or cat, trying to figure out what could have possibly happened next - and if I fell back asleep, would I find out? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. That's just the way dreams go for me. I realized a long time ago that some of my dreams come from a world that hinders a continuous storyline. Last night I helped a murderer escape ... because I kind of liked him, I guess. Not sure. But the people I helped him escape from were more upset that I used their grey van to do it with. "Why did you help him?" "Duh, hello? Murderer? He would have killed me." That's the first time in a long time that I've ever blatantly lied to someone in my dreams. It made me feel dirty - I woke up before it was over, before I could get him out of the state or city or wherever it was. It left me wondering what happened. So I stared at the cat for a while. I kept asking myself why I would help him. I honestly couldn't think of a reason - and I still can't. It's strange. Usually in my dreams I do something beneficial, help someone out, pull them out of their void or grab their hand before they fall over the edge of a cliff - you know, that sort of thing ... I've never helped a killer escape ... and actually felt SYMPATHY for him. It's odd. I'm taking off from work rather early today. The lack of sleep plus the exertions of my dream have left me feeling rather lethargic. Kristi said I looked pale. Sent me home. Seems I'm always sick nowadays. Go figure. They changed the campus e-mail thing - which upsets me. I had some stuff from Conroy that I needed to read, but alas, it's all erased now due to some stupid e-mail change. Why they changed it is beyond me. Oh well. Would have been nice to have some warning. It's always nice to have warning. God, I'm exhausted ... and I haven't really done anything. I'm going to go home, sleep, and maybe write some on that novel series that will never be finished. Have a nice day. EDIT! I AM NOT JHONEN! Leave me alone already!!! Let it REST!!! Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Edit Part Deux Wow ... I've noticed I'm getting a lot more readers since that whole Jhonen episode. Not that I don't enjoy the comments and whatnot, but there's an option in the top left of the screen known as "User Info" - there, if you want to talk to me, you can fine my AIM and e-mail address. Please, be nice. I'm not online as much as I used to be, but I usually get around to my e-mail within 24 hours.
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