I live

Listening to: Killers
Feeling: amused
It's over. Finals are finally over. I'm going to die. My boss, Patty, at the daycare, today was her last day (better job somewhere else). I'm getting placed with the school-age children again because apparently there's a clashing of personality between Kathleen and another student, so I'll be taking care of them. Which is all well and good with me. I mean, with no school to worry about for three weeks, I can focus more on them and have a kick-ass good time. I plan on taking them to the station, and to the ice-skating rink and YEAH! It's going to be loads of fun! Anyway. Finals are over. Yeah. Finals are over. Oh, yeah. Finals are over. Oh, fuck yeah. They're over.
let's see:
your name
do you smoke?
do you drink?
stronger drugs?
your favourite activity
you are An undiscovered genius
you wish you were Less lazy
you hope You find somebody brilliant who understands you
people think you are Always thinking of the same
intelligent people though, think you are Cute
but, really, you're just You
This QuickKwiz by apistrakus - Taken 78047 Times.
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