.:.*126*.:.6 flagsss

wellz...yesterday i went to 6 flags with kati n her family..it was greatness...we actually got on a lot of rides this time...it was hot as shit tho, omg...but ne wayz...we were on the swings, n the worker dude looked weird n stuff so stephanie decided to mess with him lmao...this is how it went: steph: ur mom goes to college dude: huh? steph: ur mom goes to college dude: uh no she doesnt *walks away* ***then we ride the ride, n then wen its done n we walk past the dude again...*** steph: COLLEGE!!! dude: i dont go to college, my mom doesnt go to college! steph: UR MOM GOES TO FREAKIN COLLEGE!!!! lmao...o man..i guess u just had to be there to see how funni it realli was...ne wayz...there was this lady...like...50 sumthin years old n she was fuckin wearing short, spandic shorts n a skin tight shirt :|...UGH! it was so nasty n her hair was like..crazy n sticking up everywhere...n dude, i swear, she was following us or sumthin cuz on just about every ride we went on...she was there :|. jeeze...then on the bumper cars...i lost that...lol...plain n simple, i lost...except, i knocked a few ppl pretty good...i kno i hit stephanie realli hard she went flying lmao...n then all these guys decided to corner me in :|...ugh...so ya, that was that...o0o, n i finally got to go on giant drop...that was crazy....i was all scared wen i was in the seat...i was like "omg omg...i cant believe im on this rite now.." all nervous n shit lol..then we got to the top n sat there, n then BAM!! we were dropping...i was screaming bloody murder lol...then i lost my breathe n couldnt scream ne more like half way down...so wen we got to the bottom n i was able to catch my breathe again, i was like "oh, SHIT!!"...n i didnt think i said it loud...but i guess i did cuz after i said it, every1 in the line n stuff started laffing...lol..it was fun tho...then we met these dudes in the raging bull line...cuz were in that line for a fuckin hour n a half...but ya..they were kool n they were cute too..puertoricans ;)...sooo ya...more stuff happened but i dont feel like typing it all out n stuff...just kno that i had fun :D....n it was like a mini vacation for me...to get away from all the drama shit at my house...
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your diary is killerrr i love it and ur panada is so effin cute.
umm im up to nothing im really bored..i cnat wait to go home im in new yorkk and before this ive been in new jersey and i just want to go back to PA ..what about you?