
~Taken from my Xanga. I wish I wasn't a Sophomore, and I don't mean in high school, but in my faith. To know what I mean, you need to know what the word "sophomore" means. It means "wise fool." I love that definition because I think it accurately describes many people, including myself, who jump into something, only knowing a little, but fooling themselves thinking they know a lot. As this weekend came to an end, I realized that it had to be one of the greatest weekends in my life. After returning from Destination Jesus where I learned to embrace everything in my life and cherish every moment I have, I came to the understanding that I can have an amazing time with my friends and still be able to be "With Christ." I'm not saying that everything I did with my friends this weekend was Christ-Like, because I can think of things that I can go and confess this Saturday...but we didn't do anything illegal, much. We did not consume alcohol, (contrary to what many people believe) or do drugs, but we still managed to have an amazing time together. The crew does jump into somethings only knowing a litte, (I mean c'mon we are sophomores) but in the end, I strong believe that we come out learning a lot and that it will eventually, one day all pay off.
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Update!! It's been like a total week since you last updated!! Come on girl!! You don't know me!!! Adam had his baby!! Love you xoxoxoxoxoxo

<3 Laura
hey, that's really cool that you have standards like that. what religion are you? excuse me for just popping up on you like this.